Terms & Conditions
Please read this information carefully. By continuing with a purchase or accessing complimentary information, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
innerPhuel provides online education, general wellness information, and training programs. If you do not have the authority or capacity to agree to the terms and conditions, please do not proceed. Terms and conditions apply any individuals (“User”) taking courses or programs through the innerPhuel website, including attending live classes or viewing recorded sessions, and otherwise reviewing any reference materials.
Interruptions in internet service, connectivity issues, failure of service due to unlawful parties, programming errors, loading failures, server interruptions, and other similar technological difficulties may occur in a web-based environment. You agree that innerPhuel is not liable for any such technological disruptions or failures.
For Informational Purposes Only
The courses provided by innerPhuel are for informational purposes only. Courses and related services are based on industry knowledge, current research, and input from professional individuals and institutions. The information presented in the courses are general in nature and is not designed to address any specific situation or replace medical advice or treatment.
Intellectual Property
innerPhuel does not intend to infringe on copyright. The user understands that there shall be no transfer of ownership of the information obtained through innerPhuel. Nothing that you see or read during your use of innerPhuel courses or products may be copied, reproduced, modified, transmitted, republished, displayed, or performed for commercial use. All other trademarks in this material are the marks of the respective owners and any unauthorized use is prohibited.
State Licensing Boards
innerPhuel is an approved provider through the Florida State Nursing Board and will ensure all nursing continuing education offerings are prepared according to FL Rule 64B9-5.003 Standards for Continuing Education.
innerPhuel provides courses and services which are designed to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the practice of nursing. innerPhuel does not guarantee that taking its courses will be awarded valid credit hours to satisfy any state board’s continuing education requirements nor that these courses may be counted toward any requirements to renew or obtain a new nursing license. The user is responsible for verifying that any courses on the innerPhuel platform can be counted toward the user’s continuing education or licensing requirements. The user agrees that innerPhuel will not be liable for the refusal or failure to accept these courses as continuing education credit hours or licensing requirements by any state board.
Completion of CE Courses
innerPhuel will award contact hours to participants for completion of full program offering or partial completion of offering. Users completing an entire program offering will be awarded one contact hour based on 60 minutes of participation in a learning experience. innerPhuel provides educational materials with appropriate CE credit to nurses and does not monitor the time required for completion. When clicking “complete” or “finish course” nurses are testifying that they have read and learned all course materials. innerPhuel is not responsible for and does not claim to monitor time spent on website or courses.
Disclaimer: Information on innerPhuel web site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. innerPhuel makes best effort to ensure content is accurate and current. Based on ongoing research and emerging trends, content may become outdated. innerPhuel may make enhancements and updates at any time.
Cancellation, Refunds, and Restrictions.
Where innerPhuel products or courses are delivered to the user immediately or on demand access, the user will not have the right to request a refund or change its mind regarding the purchase of the course material. Refunds may be considered on a case by case basis in the event that the User does not access the course material. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that it has the proper system requirements and internet service prior to purchasing any content. innerPhuel is unable to provide refunds in the event the access to innerPhuel’s products is inhibited due to insufficient system requirements. For live sessions, full or partial refunds may be considered on a case by case basis in the event the User has an unforeseen event. innerPhuel holds the right to decline refunds 15 days before the event. Credit will be awarded for any event that is cancelled due to inclement weather or other external hardship.
Your Account
A member account (“Account”) is the area of the innerPhuel website which is accessible via a password and it contains personal information regarding the user. If the user creates an Account on the innerPhuel website, the user is responsible for maintaining the security of its Account and is fully responsible for all activities that occur under the Account and any other actions taken in connection with the Account. The user must immediately notify innerPhuel of any unauthorized uses of its Account or any other breaches of security. innerPhuel will not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of such breaches or unauthorized uses. innerPhuel will not share personal information.
Other Websites
There may be other websites liked, embedded, or otherwise referred to through the innerPhuel platform. innerPhuel has not reviewed all the content of these websites and shall not be liable for any information posted therein. The user should proceed to these third-party websites at its own risk.
innerPhuel reserves the right to use any feedback from courses for advertising purposes, including in the form of testimonials. Users name will be obscured unless prior permission is given.